I often refer my pregnant patients to the website of Debra Betts, an acupuncturist in New Zealand who is an expert in Chinese Medicine during pregnancy and labor. She has an amazing PDF of Acupressure for Natural Pain Relief which I give patients for labor preparation.
Not only do we utilize acupressure for labor preparation, but we use acupuncture too. Usually, my patients have acupuncture treatments beginning at around 34 weeks to prepare for their labor. I find that the patients who come in weekly leading up to labor have less interventions during labor if that is what they desire.
If there is a breech baby, they begin treatment ideally at 34 weeks so that we can attempt to turn the baby before it descends into the pelvic cavity. We do this treatment in combination with Optimal Fetal Position exercises. If you are in your third trimester, I encourage you to visit her website.
Many Blessings,
Liz Richards, L.Ac.