Blossom Clinic’s two-week Harvest Cleanse is simple and easy to follow. It has been tailored to the specific needs of our clientele.
The cleanse is an elimination diet, not a fast and includes 3 meals per day. During an elimination diet, all major foods that may cause sensitivities are eliminated, giving the body a chance to rest and renew.
For cleanse participants, there is an introductory class on Wednesday October 2nd at 6:00pm at Blossom Clinic. It is important to attend this class to find out what to eat and what activities to do while you are cleansing. Attending this class before you begin will give you time to prepare yourself and your kitchen for the cleanse. If you can’t make it to the intro class, please contact Blossom for an alternative.
5 reasons to join our Harvest Cleanse:
Lose weight
Increase energy
Pre-conception detox (see blog)
Clear your mind and improve your mood
Boost immunity for the upcoming cold and allergy season
Really, any reason you can come up with is a good reason to join Blossom’s Harvest Cleanse. To read more about why I choose to cleanse see my blog from last fall. The benefits go far beyond just how you feel at the time of the diet change. You will experience better energy, improved digestion, and so much more.
Included in the Harvest Cleanse package:
Introductory class on October 2, 6:00-7:30pm
A pre-cleanse appointment with Dr Elise to personalize the cleanse for your individual health goals (60 or 90 minutes)
Two 60 minute acupuncture treatments with Liz at Blossom
One final end-of-cleanse appointment to review your experience and symptoms and set a plan for maintaining the benefits you have gained from the cleanse (60 minutes)
When do I start?
The start date for your cleanse can be anytime after October 7th or your first appointment with Dr Elise.
When should I receive acupuncture?
It is recommended that you have your first acupuncture appointment during the first 4 days of your cleanse to help with detoxification process.
What is the cost?
For existing clients wanting to participate in the Harvest Cleanse the cost for the four appointments will be $266.25 which is 25 % off usual cost of appointments.
For clients new to Dr Elise, the cost is $322.50, which includes an extra 30 minutes during the first appointment and is 25% off the usual fee.
What are the supplement costs?
The basic supplement supply cost is $97.55 and includes one container of a detoxifying medical smoothie mix that will be used as a food supplement during the cleanse, one bag of herbal detox tea, and one container of Amino D Tox which is a liver support supplement.
Please note: Depending on individual health goals and needs, other supplements may be recommended.
Space is limited to 10 participants and we expect the program to fill quickly.
Please register here.