Do you love essential oils? We’re totally into clean air and lovely scents here at Blossom Clinic. Today on the blog, Janene Mitchell, Acupuncturist, shares some of her favorite 5 Essential Oils. Enjoy!
1. Bergamot
All citrus essential oils are uplifting but this one really shines for it’s effects on mood. Bergamot balances the right and left sides of the brain! It addresses mood swings – being very up then very down. Mental tension is relieved, listlessness, discouragement, frustration and anger are released. This oil is also helpful for insomnia.
Caution: All citrus oils are photosensitive so no sun or ultraviolet light exposure for 24 hours after using to avoid burns.
2. Geranium
An adrenal tonic and hormone balancer, it is very helpful for PMS, painful or irregular periods and symptoms of menopause. 2 drops in a foot bath is a wonderful remedy for the swollen limbs that often come in late pregnancy. Or you can make up a massage oil to use stroking up from the ankles and wrists to reduce swelling and relieve pain. On an emotional level geranium is used for grief and sadness, loss of confidence, depression, lack of motivation, as well as agitation, worry and restlessness.
Caution: Do not use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
3. Eucalyptus
This is a wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal oil. Its strong action clearing phlegm and mucus makes it ideal for soothing bronchitis and sinus congestion. Add it to a humidifier in a child’s room or adults can do a steam inhalation, using 2 drops in a bowl of hot water closing your eyes to avoid irritation. You can also inhale it directly from a drop on a cotton ball. Eucalyptus affects our mental state by clarifying feelings, addressing poor concentration or memory, and confusion. It brings things into focus. It’s very good for feelings of lethargy, low motivation, depression, grief or low self-confidence.
4. Lavender
A very versatile oil, known primarily for it’s calming effect. Lavender is good for ongoing stress or an acute crisis, even leading to shock and trauma. Tension, irritability, depression, fear or anxiety all respond to this soothing oil. Applied directly to insect bites it takes away the sting and helps skin heal. A lesser known quality is its ability to reduce pain – good for menstrual cramps and labor pains. In a pregnancy massage oil it relieves aching backs, legs and ligament pain. A lavender bath is good for fevers with body aches, sore throat, etc., great for children. And applying or inhaling it before bed leads to a more deep and restful sleep.
5. Rose
Finally, the nurturing essence of Rose can enhance self-esteem and soothe feelings of insecurity, broken trust and heart break. Resentment, anger, frustration, jealousy, sadness, grief and disappointment all respond to this oil. For this reason it’s great for women and men going through fertility issues. As a uterine tonic it’s used topically (diluted in oil) for both heavy menses and pelvic congestion where things are not flowing. It’s lovely for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Rose is good for broken capillaries and stretch marks that come in pregnancy. Combine it with lavender in a massage oil for the last few weeks of pregnancy. It’s an excellent choice for a bath in the 1st stage of labor.
How to use the essential oils:
- All are safe to inhale from a drop on a cotton ball or tissue. Place it in a ziplock bag to carry around with you for use throughout the day.
- You can also put 1-2 drops on a clean wet washcloth in the shower or bath and inhale.
- Add 3-8 drops to a warm bath, swishing well to disperse the oils evenly before you step in. For a child’s bath you can add 1-2 drops of lavender oil to a spoonful of whole milk, then mix that into the bath.
- 2-8 drops are good for a diffuser. Use only 1-2 drops for babies. After 1 year you can increase to 3-4 drops in a child’s room.
- Lavender is safe to apply directly to the skin. Rose is ok in a small amount. The others should be diluted in another oil – almond, jojoba, sesame, etc. Use 15-30 drops in 1 ounce of oil, lotion or cream.
If you see any reaction on the skin – redness, itchiness, etc, stop using the oil. Some people are allergic to specific plants, so may not be able to tolerate any one of the oils. And if you have very sensitive skin be sure to dilute all oils before applying.
Have fun experimenting with these amazing oils. I use them daily for myself and my patients. I love the results. They are a wonderful plant medicine that is widely available and easy to use.

Janene Mitchell, LAc, sees patients at Blossom Clinic on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Schedule online or call Blossom Clinic 503-287-0886.
Written by Janene Mitchell, LAc, FABORM – Acupuncture, Chi Nei Tsang, Aromatherapy
Janene specializes in fertility and pregnancy care but loves working with women in all stages of their lives, including menopause and healthy aging. With a background in energetic bodywork her treatments are deeply rejuvenating. Janene has over a decade of experience using essential oils and is a certified Chi Nei Tsang practitioner. You can schedule with Janene online.