Please enjoy these exclusive promo codes for health-related businesses.
Patients of Blossom Clinic receive 20%off all services (check out their IV packages) with the exception of Botox.
Use this link for fertility meditations!
USE BLOSSOM20 for 20% off
Use this Link for 25% off 12/22
Use promo code BlossomClinic for $10 off
Use promo code BLOSSOM for $20 0ff
You can use FSA or HSA dollars for this.
Use this link for a 30 Day Guest Pass
Use this link for 2 weeks of unlimited free meditations
Use Provider Referral Code (PRC) 197212 for 10-15% off
If you live in WA/OR, this is a beautiful, affordable option for fertility testing. For only $99 you get blood tests, follicle count ultrasound, sperm analysis (if applicable), and an evaluation by Dr. Shannel Adams and her team at Kindbody

Have questions? Set up a free 15 min phone consultation with Liz Richards, L.Ac., owner of Blossom Clinic and fertility acupuncturist.