Here is an interview with a former patient who was able to conceive against the odds at age 44. How old were you and what was your FSH when you tried to get pregnant with your second child? What did…
Twin Birth Story
Here is an interview with a mom who avoided c-section and had her babies vaginally. I know from personal experience that labor does not always go as planned. The best you can do is have a birth preference, learn everything…
Blossom Practitioners, Fertility Acupuncture, Frequently Asked Questions, Interviews, portland acupuncture
Interview with Liz Richards, Owner of Blossom Clinic, Portland, Oregon
Where did you come up with the name “Blossom”?The name blossom came to me one night as I was explaining my vision for a clinic to my husband. It just felt right. I love the idea of something growing and…