Submitted by Rylen Feeney, Independent Practitioner of Asian Bodywork Therapy and practitioner of Pregnancy Massage Portland at Blossom Clinic. Chinese medicine recognizes five major transitions or watersheds in a woman’s lifetime: birth, puberty, pregnancy, menopause and death. Each of these…
Chinese Herbs, Diet and Nutrition, fertility, Frequently Asked Questions, PCOS, Supplements, Wholistic Nutrition
Chaste Tree Berry: A Girl's Best Friend
Indigenous to the Mediterranean countries and Asia, Chaste Tree Berry has been renown as both an aphrodisiac and an anaphodisiac. It was known in the middle ages as Monk’s pepper because of its reputed ability to suppress sexual desire in…
Blossom Clinic Welcomes Rylen Feeney, BA, LMT, Dipl. ABT & CH (NCCAOM)
Blossom Clinic is honored to have Rylen Feeney join the team. Rylen is a dedicated scholar of the wisdom of Chinese medicine and wholistic healthcare. She has been an Amma Therapist and instructor of Chinese Medicine and alternative healthcare…